November Tarot Horoscope For Every Zodiac Sign!

The Inner-G Spot
9 min readOct 31, 2023


November is one of our favorite months in the bruja community. It’s a time of heightened activity from spirits and powerful psychic activations. Many call this time of the year “spooky season,” but we just call it the season of the witch. It’s the perfect month to lean into your ancestors, perform candle magic, and conjure up some healing.

Now what does your tarotscope have in store for you? Tarotscopes merge the divination tools of Tarot and Astrology horoscopes based on your zodiac sign to provide you with a magical fusion of forecasting.

November Tarot Card of the Month: Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands

The overall tarot card pull for the general collective is the ten of wands.November could feel like a month where you’ve taken on too much and you’re on the verge of overwhelm. Setting expectations for yourself and others is crucial as the month progresses. There will be a lot happening in your inner world, which can make you feel the need to overgive and overpromise. The energy might feel daunting, but it’s a month of delegating and releasing unnecessary burdens. Self-regulating will be key as you navigate these energies. Tending to obligations can become overbearing this month as well, but take small steps forward in order to win the race. Perhaps it’s a time of re-evaluating what is of true importance in your life, and letting go of responsibilities that weren’t yours to begin with. Assess where in your life you are holding on too tightly. There are new opportunities waiting to be birthed. Wrap up lingering cycles and ban the scarcity mindset when it knocks at your door.

How will November’s tarot reading influence you by zodiac sign?

Aries Tarot Card: Temperance

Your card is Temperance, Aries or Aries rising. This month is full of spiritual awakenings and soul renewal. You might feel the urge to move things quicker, but it’s highly advised to manipulate according to the outcome you desire. Dig deeper when the need to control arises this month. There are new depths you’re exploring within yourself. It’s a month that requires patience with yourself as you process these new insights. You’ve passed a hard lesson recently, and now you’re gaining recognition in the spirit realm for your shadow work accomplishments. It’s a month where you might notice you’re naturally focused on building a more harmonious relationship with yourself instead of seeking outside validation.

Taurus Tarot Card: The World

Your card is The World, Taurus or Taurus rising. This is the card of karmic evolution. This is a Major Arcana card in tarot, therefore making this an integral month for you. It’s no surprise since the Taurus lunar eclipse in your sign closed out October on the 28th and ushered in a transformative November for you. It’s a month of deciding to own your power and fully stepping into your light. You’re ready to progress into bigger and newer experiences in life. This requires confidence to face the unknown. You’re ready and the universe is giving you the green light to jump into new areas of life. Explore and expand. Greatness is at the tip of your fingers.

Gemini Tarot Card: Page of Pentacles

Your card is the page of pentacles, Gemini or Gemini rising. It’s a month of prospects and prosperity. Taking on new experiences and learning will be incredibly beneficial for you. Equally, it’s a time when you’re being encouraged to say yes. Say yes to the unexpected and push yourself outside of your comfort zone. There are new people awaiting you and it’s a guaranteed month filled with fun. Your youthful approach this month will earn you favorable outcomes. It’s time to think outside of the box and share your knowledge with others. You might feel like you’re a fish out of water during this time. Trust that and awkwardness will quickly dissipate.

Cancer Tarot Card: Ace of Wands

Your card is the ace of wands, Cancer or Cancer rising. Have you been dreaming and wishing to start some new initiative? It’s a month of taking the lead and staying accountable. Cancer and physical activity might be top of mind more than usual. Routines that help you reconnect with the beauty of your body and its wisdom will help you feel grounded. You might find yourself feeling enthusiastic and energized. Capitalize on this energy to tackle big goals or pending projects. You have the momentum and great attitude to conquer any perceived setbacks. This month feels good for you.

Leo Tarot Card: The Empress

Your card is The Empress, Leo, or Leo rising. You are fully embodying your inner feminine energy. This card is a Major Arcana in tarot and represents a huge activation that you’re undergoing this month. This month you’re activating your ability to manifest from intuition, receptivity, and flow. This month feels safe enough for you to let your guard down and explore the art of receiving not only giving. You are full of charisma this month and might notice abundance flowing to you very easily. Harness this energy to shapeshift you into higher frequencies and watch your reality ascend. Your life is changing for the better. Old patterns might return to remind you of the significance of holding yourself in grace.

Virgo Tarot Card: Eight of Cups

Your card is the eight of cups, Virgo or Virgo rising. You could find yourself deeply invested in wanting to connect with experiences that are beyond transactional or superficial this month. You’re in the energy of the seeker. Seeking truth and wisdom from higher perspectives. Anything that feels inauthentic could create discomfort in your body this month. Take notice of situations or people that feel forced as markers and let go of what you need to let go of. Don’t be surprised as you outgrow your environment. It’s time to elevate into new territory.

Libra Tarot Card: Nine of Pentacles

Your card is the nine of pentacles, Libra, or Libra rising. Practical matters like property, material ownership, and money are key themes this month. It’s a great time to expand in those areas. Investing in your material world seems to present promises of financial gain. Be practical, noble, and realistic with your approach to these initiatives. You could overspend or tip the scale to the opposite end by being too strict with how you circulate the energy of abundance. A matter arises this month that requires your mature approach. As the peacemaker of the zodiac sign, your display of dignity with a dash of diplomacy can resolve any conflict at hand. And so it is.

Scorpio Tarot Card: The Emperor

Your card is The Emperor, Scorpio, or Scorpio rising. November is presenting situations that require logic over emotion. It’s a time to be realistic and practical. Some might turn to you for advice or leadership in a matter and you’ll excel through rational reasoning. Focus is required this month. Therefore, you won’t have much time for distractions or frivolous little matters. You might notice someone trying to stir up friction in your inner world to test your growth and maturity. Regardless of your age, you might come out as the matureest person in the room amidst discourse. Own your leadership qualities and a winning outcome is guaranteed.

Sagittarius Tarot Card: Six of cups

Your card is the six of cups, Sagittarius or Sagittarius rising. You received this card last month and here it is again. Seems like you’re undergoing a life situation that hasn’t wrapped up yet, which requires your creative approach. You might need to navigate this month from the perspective of your inner child and a youthful mindset. Make more time for leisure or play in order to alchemize current plateaus or setbacks. Also, it’s a time to give and share. Your aura is radiating. You’re like a magnet for the law of attraction — ask and you shall receive.

Capricorn Tarot Card: Seven of Swords

Your card is the seven of swords, Capricorn or Capricorn rising. This generally represents deception, lies, and lack of integrity. There could be a painful truth of someone being exposed who you might’ve initially thought was an ally but proves to be a trickster. Discovering malicious intent being sent your way could feel like an attack on your heart. This is a month where you’ll learn how to develop spiritual stamina. Look up ways to protect yourself from the evil eye (mal de ojo) in order to protect your energy. Unfortunately, a lie will be revealed. In the long run, you’ll be grateful for this revelation.

Aquarius Tarot Card: Four of Wands

Your card is the four of wands, Aquarius or Aquarius rising. Community will uplift your spirit this month. Engage in communities and social sectors that feel safe and inclusive in order to heal this month. This card represents overall happy times. With the current state of the World, this might feel impossible. But joy and pain can simultaneously exist. You’re feeling a lot more positive this month, and there’s a lot for you to celebrate. It’s been a year of adversity, and coming to the last few months of the year feels like a huge win. Surrounding yourself with family and friends will be soothing and positive as you decompress from the stressors of reality.

Pisces Tarot Card: Death

Your card is Death, Pisces, or Pisces rising. It’s a month of endings and transitions. This doesn’t have to directly affect you, but you could notice many around you are undergoing spiritual evolutions. On the contrary, you could feel the need to pause or retreat. Take this month to move slowly and intentionally. You’re full of emotions and could benefit from healthy outlets instead of reverting to low vibrational coping mechanisms at this time. Likely, you’re having to face a hard truth and take off the blinders as it relates to an ideology that could be hard to part with. You have the perseverance, Pisces. Take your time, because your process is uniquely yours. No comparison is needed.

Inner-G Message for all who are guided here:

Transform that Scorpion energy within and sting the world with what you really want them to feel by allowing the water to be the entry to your greatest hopes and desires and allowing the moon to release whatever may be getting in your way. It will prepare you for the upcoming eclipse season happening this month and November. At that time, consider booking an energy healing session focused on your wellness like my Remote Reiki Healing or schedule your Spiritual Bath session taking place in Virginia’s Short Pump area Nov. 10 to Nov. 13, which includes an 11/11 portal activation and The Essence Experience.



The Inner-G Spot
The Inner-G Spot

Written by The Inner-G Spot


Architect of Quantum Evolution ✨ Here, you evolve consciousness and transcend dimensions by connecting with cosmic truth and elevating your energetic resonance.

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